I.The Circus Show

2:13 PM

"I remember when you first noticed me.
 We were in the circus show
 We barely know each other yet you came to me
 Wrote me a note said that I have the nicest smile that you have ever seen."

I think that was the time where both of us made our first conversation.
I've seen you quite sometimes in that place, seems like you already became the regular audience in my circus show.
I've been wondering why a person like you would come to a place where all the freaks get together.
That was all the beginning, the time where everything is not as complicated as now.

You might all wonder who's this stranger so please let me begin this story by describing him first and how I feel about him.

When his eyes met mine for that small second, I got lost.
I got lost in his deep gaze.
He had the type of eyes that could hold the ocean.
So deep, that I could drown myself and be the part of the riptide.

When he gave me that quirky smile of him, it's so radiant.
He wore the sunshine like a halo all over him.
He brightened up my day
and made me crave the warmth which spills out of his lips when he smiled.

I barely see he laughed, he was simply a mystery.
His emotions were too.
You couldn't figure him out how hard you try.
It's almost like he was the moon, there's always a part of him that hidden away.

He was so indecipherable.
No matter how much you tried to understand the complexity in him
and the enigma of his actions
you never succeed.
I, myself, forever float in his infinity abyss unknowing of what I am about to face next.
But I couldn't deny that I liked it, a lot.

The day he came to the circus show, somehow he took the center attention.
People inside the show have been intrigued by the question of "Who is he?" and so do I.

I saw him walking right through me.
He was in an armor with pride.
His sword forged from a steel called misery.
Time after time he fought,
It looks like demons, monster, and creatures has been conquered by him.

That's what all I see in him when he came. Then, I asked him, "Who are you, such a stranger come to this place where happiness and laughter are the masks of despair that everyone uses."

It took a while for him to answer my question. He just stare at me deeply and said, "I am the Knight."

Tebet, 23 July 2017

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