Now that I realize...

11:05 AM

Isn't it funny how a stranger you met online knows about your hidden dream is to travel all around the world with the one you love, but your parents don't.

Isn't it funny how your ex-boyfriend knew everything about you, that your favorite color is blue, like the blue in the sky and ocean. Your favorite movies are Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter. Your deepest fears is losing someone you love and that's what makes you never attached to people, because you afraid of losing them. Your favorite place in the earth is a beach with the beautiful sunset, but your parents don't.

Isn't it funny how you can talk to your best friend 24/7 and share everything that you think of. From the books that you like so much, tv-shows that you watched together, about how you love your clothes and adore people who are kind. About the music that you like and how much you love the 1975 and Two Door Cinema Club. But as soon as you start telling something to your parents, their ignorance make you stop talking.

Isn't it funny how you can live with someone in the same house for 20 years and yet not know their favorite food.

Isn't it funny how your haters know what type of shoes that you are wearing and who is the person that you like, but your parents don't.

Isn't it funny how they know only your name and age and nothing else.

It's not funny at all.

Cikarang, 13 December 2016

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